For Music Fans & Musicians.
Access to Arena Music
We are in Beta release, and are granting limited access to the Arena Music platform to selected music fans & musicians. Please ‘request access’ and join the waitlist.
The New Music Industry ™
Claim Your Artist Profile.
Right now, we are in Beta release.
If you are an artist featured on Arena Music and would like to collaborate directly with our team to earn the highest paying streaming royalties in the world, please contact us to claim your profile.
There is a waitlist, and we will answer inquiries in the order we receive them from artists & labels.
The New Music Industry ™
Investor Room.
The New Music Industry runs on Cherut Coin ($XRU) and leverages a free music streaming service called ARENA MUSIC to help artists and labels convert listeners and fans into merchandise customers.
General Inquiries.
We’d love to hear from you.
Give us a call
(855) GO-ARENA / (855) 462-7362
M-F 8 am-5:00 pm MST
Or reach us by email:
21430 North 2nd Ave, STE 1
Phoenix, AZ 85027, USA

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”